Welcome to Grandbaby Blues

A place to share your blues, missing your grandbabies. Tell me how you keep that close bond of a grandparent. Share how you've kept in touch from a distance.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Share Your Passion

From the time he was born, my grandson has been my kindred spirit. I was hoping for a little girl, someone to bake with, cook with, teach to sew... Right up to the last minute, I kept wishing for a girl. I was quite stubborn in my belief that the baby would be a girl. No matter. We couldn't be closer. My grandson loves to cook, bake, and has even sewn with me. I have shared my passions with him. He has a journal and everytime we talk I ask him if he's been writing in it. Of course most of the time he is busy with hockey, but he does manage to write in it once in awhile. I sent him a huge set of colored pencils for Christmas. He's quite an artist. When I visited last summer, I found a free art class in their town that we attended together. My son in law is his biggest fan. He supports his sports interests, sharing his own passion and stories from his LaCrosse days. I just sent him a subscription for Kids Sports Illustrated. When kids see our passion for things, it ignites their own interests. They get inspired and motivated in new directions of interest. Sharing your passions doesn't have to cost money. Hiking or walking has always been our favorite. We live outside of town, with beautiful views of the desert and mountains. We walk our neighbor in the evening, before it gets too dark (when it's cooling down). It is a wonderful way to stay fit and spend some time together. Now when I walk with my friend, I can still see my grandson racing ahead on his bike or scooter, chattering away.

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